Bright colors and pastel shades combine as multicolored decorations that look like paintings. Gradations of grey, green, brown express the true colors of nature. The revolutionary Colorfive collection of Stefano Sandonà uses the most advanced technology of plastic injection and a palette of original colors. With prêt à porter style, and the various colors available, Colorfive matches perfectly any indoor and outdoor environment. Infinite design possibilities. A natural evolution of the Colorfive family, proposed with a soft and pleasant fabric, conveying a sense of classic elegance and quality craftsmanship.
Bright colors and pastel shades combine as multicolored decorations that look like paintings. Gradations of grey, green, brown express the true colors of nature. The revolutionary Colorfive collection of Stefano Sandonà uses the most advanced technology of plastic injection and a palette of original colors. With prêt à porter style, and the various colors available, Colorfive matches perfectly any indoor and outdoor environment. Infinite design possibilities. A natural evolution of the Colorfive family, proposed with a soft and pleasant fabric, conveying a sense of classic elegance and quality craftsmanship.